Campus Recreation - AZ

Take a study break, participate in a wide variety of intramural sports, connect with a hobby, or get your heart rate up at the Recreation Center.

An outside view of the Arizona Recreation and Wellness Hall

Recreation and Wellness Hall

Workout Area Hours:
Monday - Friday: 6:00 a.m. - 11 p.m.
Saturday: 6:30 a.m. - 4 p.m.
Sunday: 6:30 a.m. - 10 p.m.

This facility includes a main gym, strength training/cardio area, aerobics room, music room, racquetball court, plus locker rooms.   

Leisure Options

The gymnasium is one full basketball court (also used for indoor soccer).  A divider curtain can be lowered for: 2 short basketball courts, 2 volleyball courts, 2 dodgeball courts, 2 pickleball courts, or 2 badminton courts.

An assortment of selectorized weight equipment stations by Cybex.  Cardio Equipment by TRUE Fitness that  includes: treadmills, recumbent bikes, upright bikes, water rowers, and stair climbers.  Medicine balls are available as well.

There is one racquetball court available, which may also be used for handball. The court may be used for one hour at a time. Make a .  Rackets, balls, and goggles can be checked out at the desk.

With a mirrored wall, these items available in the Aerobics Room are a good addition to your workout:

  • Mats for doing floor exercises and stretches
  • Dumbbells 2lb - 10lb
  • Stability Balls in a variety of sizes
  • Spin Bikes
  • Jump ropes and resistance bands (Try our new resistance band wall anchors)
  • Heavy Bag - gloves can be checked out at the desk
  • Bosu Balls
  • Ballet Barre
  • TV/VCR/DVD Player for use with exercise videos/DVD’s
  • PiYo and Insanity DVD’s available for check-out
  • Yoga Blocks and Stretching Bands

Fitness Classes also take place in the Aerobic Room.  They vary by quarter, but below are some of our popular ones:

  • Spinning
  • Total Body
  • Cardio KickBoxing
  • Zumba
  • Power Yoga 
  • Vinyasa Yoga
  • Mindfulness Meditation (in the Music Room)
  • Occasionally, we'll have a class outside, such as yoga.

The Music Room (Rm 103 A) room includes two pianos and is available on a first-come-first-served basis.  Occasionally, we'll offer grab n' go or take and make crafts.

The outdoor sand volleyball court and basketball court is located just South of the Wellness & Recreation Center.  This is usually on a first come; first-served basis, but if you have a large group who would like to reserve either court, contact Erin Hoffmann at

The Lactation Room (Rm 102) is a private space for nursing/pumping mothers that is equipped with a refrigerator, rocking chair, small table, and binder.  Please sign-in and sign-out.  

Locker rental for the academic year begins in August (Summer registration begins the end of May).  August-May locker rental is $30; Summer Quarter is $10.  You supply your own lock. There are also four daily-use lockers in both locker rooms.

Available equipment checkout includes:

  • Racquetball rackets, balls and goggles
  • Basketballs, soccer balls, volleyballs (indoor and outdoor), dodge balls, and footballs
  • Softball equipment
  • Volleyball equipment
  • Badminton equipment
  • Pickleball equipment
  • Bean Bags/Cornhole
  • Frisbees, Ladderball, Bocce ball, Scoop Ball
  • Plinko and Kerplunk
  • Exercise DVDs

Offered year-round, we have a wide variety of intramural sports available to help you break a sweat and socialize with students from your program, as well as the other programs on campus. Sports vary by season and include but are not limited to:

  • Flag Football
  • Badminton
  • Pickleball
  • Frisbee Golf
  • Outdoor Soccer
  • Racquetball
  • Sand Volleyball
  • 6-on-6 Volleyball
  • Dodgeball
  • Futsal
  • 3-on-3 Basketball
  • Softball

Every player will get a shirt for registering for a tournament (excluding summer quarter).  Intramural Champion T-shirts will also be provided to the champions of each league.  An email is sent out each quarter with all information for registration.

Campus Recreation Office

Located in the Recreation & Wellness Hall.